Tuesday, January 27, 2009

House Pics and Playdates

Here is the house now. I can't believe how quickly it is going up. In about a week we should have it bricked and stoned. Everyone keep praying for our current house to sell soon. It is getting all too real now!

We were out at a playdate last week. Megan was right in the mix of things, as usual. Here she is with her friend Lily and Miss Sherri.

Not much going on for us this week. We have been staying pretty close to home because Megan has a cold. It is so sad to hear such a little girl with such a nasty cough. She seems to be a little better today so I hope she will be all better soon.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Since the last few posts have been Meganless, I thought I would add some pics of her. Here is a picture of Megan and daddy on Christmas day. Our little elf was too cute in her pjs.

My little ham. She seems to always be up to something. Here, daddy said, "Say Cheese!!!"

Preggo Pics

Like most moms, I spend the majority of the time behind the camera instead of in front of it. Apparently I have been remiss about posting pictures of the pregnant me. So, as requested, here they are.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

House Progress

It is amazing to me how quickly our house is going up. At Christmas all we had was a foundation poured. Then on Saturday the house looked like this:

This the view from the back of our house. We back up to a farm with cows, llamas, and donkeys. Megan loves it. Our biggest issue is explaining to her why she can't give the llamas a kiss.

Just 3 days later, our house looks like this. We have windows and a roof and a porch.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Time

In December, Megan's Aunt Jacqui and her two cousins, Matt and John, flew in from Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful visit and gallivanted around town. One of our excursions was to the ICE! show at the Gaylord Texan. Below is a picture of Megan all bundled up in the show. The show also included a snow machine and to this day Megan talks about catching snow.

Megan got to ride her first carousel and as you can see, she loved it. After the first ride was done she said, "More, More!" and of course, her daddy took her again.

While they were here we also got family photos taken. Here are a couple of my favorites of Megan. Although our Santa pic didn't go well this year, these cute pictures more than make up for it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Autumn Recap

Fall around the Snyder home was pretty exciting. Not only did we find out we were pregnant but we decided to build a new house. This is a picture of the land pre-build. I will post more pics as they start to build.

Megan becomes more and more her own person every day. She is talking in short sentences now and knows her colors and some of her numbers. We are both constantly amazed by her. In November we went over to our friend's house and Megan played in the leaves and with the ducks. Obviously she loved it.